Illinois State Director

Soror Connie V. Pugh
Illinois State Director
Appointed the Illinois State Director in August 2012 by the 24th International President Mary Breaux Wright, Soror Connie V. Pugh became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, on March 31, 1990 initiated through the Psi Nu Chapter in Evanston, Illinois. She is currently a member of the Xi Mu Zeta Chapter in Markham, Illinois. She has been a Life Member since March 2007.
Having held various positions of leadership professionally and within the sorority, she knows the value of training and education. She conceptualized and formed the Illinois State Leadership Academy as a means to educate and inform members of the sisterhood. She holds to the belief that proper training that is consistent and has continuity, is essential for sustaining an organization.
Learning and providing service to others are life-long tasks of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated. Robert Greenleaf made the concept of Servant Leadership popular in 1970. The servant leader assumes the position of servant in her interactions with followers. Authentic, legitimate leadership arises not from the exercise of power or self-interest actions, but from the fundamental desire to help others. Servant leaders are motivated to encourage greatness in others. Thus, their success is indirect, derived out of service to others.
Great minds don?t think alike, they THINK for themselves. (J. Sakiya Sandifer)
Indiana State Director

Soror Susan D. Johnson, Ph.D.
Indiana State Director
Appointed the Indiana State Director in August 2012 by International President Mary Breaux Wright, Soror Susan D. Johnson, Ph.D., became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority on March 18, 1992 initiated through the Mu Epsilon Chapter at the University of Florida in the Southeastern Region. Immediately after graduating, she joined the Delta Sigma Zeta graduate chapter in Gainesville, Florida. Upon moving to Indiana, she became a member of the Mu Tau Zeta Chapter in Speedway. Susan is a Charter Member and Immediate Past Basileus of the Upsilon Kappa Zeta Chapter in Bloomington, Indiana. Other leadership roles include Chair of the Executive Board, Treasurer, and Undergraduate Advisor. Susan has also been recognized as the Outstanding Soror, Founders' Day Honoree and top March of Dimes fundraiser at both the state and regional levels.
Professionally, Dr. Johnson is a Program Officer at Lumina Foundation based in Indianapolis, Indiana. Throughout her career in higher education, she acquired intimate knowledge of the policies and practices affecting student success, student engagement, and institutional accountability. Her current portfolio centers on issues of preparation, success, and productivity in higher education designed to increase the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees and credentials. Prior to joining Lumina, Dr. Johnson held positions in student affairs at Louisiana State University and the University of North Dakota and in institutional research at Indiana University.
Kentucky State Director

Soror Keisha D. Smith
Kentucky State Director
Appointed the Kentucky State Director in August 2012 by the 24th International President Mary Breaux Wright, Soror Keisha D. Smith became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority in March of 1996 initiated through the Iota Mu Chapter at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky. She is currently a member of the Eta Zeta Chapter in Louisville, Kentucky.
She had the opportunity to serve in elected and appointed positions in the Iota Mu Chapter; Theta Mu Chapter, University of Oklahoma in Norman, Oklahoma; Chi Zeta Chapter, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; and Eta Zeta Chapter of Louisville, Kentucky. In addition, Keisha has served in various elected and appointed positions on the local, state, regional and national levels. Some of the roles include, but are not limited to National Third Vice-President, Great Lakes Region Assistant to the Director, Kentucky State Associate Undergraduate Coordinator, Chapter President, and Membership Intake Coordinator.
A Zeta Legacy, Keisha is the daughter of Soror Ira J. Ebbs, Past Great Lakes Regional Director (2002-2006) & Kentucky State Director (1990-1996).
Keisha is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor?s Degree in Communications. She also holds a Master Degrees from Webster University in Human Resource Development and Human Resource Management.
Keisha enjoys working with special projects, volunteering, and spending time with family. She is a member of Watson Memorial Baptist Church in Louisville. She is mother to one teenage son.
Michigan State Director

Soror Elner B. Taylor
Michigan State Director
Re-appointed the Michigan State Director in August 2012 by the 24th International President Mary Breaux Wright, Soror Elner B. Taylor became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority in April 1969 through the Iota Gamma Chapter at Rust College in the South Central Region. She is currently a member of the Zeta Beta Zeta Chapter in Flint, Michigan where she served as President, 1st Vice President, Treasurer, & Z-HOPE Coordinator.
After leaving Rust College with a B.S. Degree in Business Administration, she became a member of Theta Pi Zeta in Itta Bena, Mississippi where she served as Treasurer and Asst Treasurer. Elner has been active with Zeta on the regional and state levels. On the regional level she served on the Budget, Nomination, Election, & Workshops Committees. On the state level she served as Z-HOPE Coordinator, Nomination & Elections Chair. She has attended 7 Boules? and is ZOL certified-2009. Since appointed State Director in 2008 by Past Grand Basileus Sheryl Underwood, she has chartered one (1) Graduate Chapter, activated one (1) Undergraduate Chapter & chartered three (3) Amicae Auxiliaries.
Since receiving her MBA at Governors State University, Park Forest, IL she had a distinguished career as both a college Administrator and Instructor, Small Business Consultant, Non Profit Agency Administrator & a Mortgage Banker. She is a member of Hope United Methodist Church where she served a Sunday School Teacher & Church Librarian. She is a member of the Flint Debutante Committee, Debutante Scholarship Chair, Women Realtors Council, Flint Women Forum, Flint Area Association of Realtors?Fair Housing Committee and served as President, Flint Rust College Alumni Association. Elner is married and has two (2) sons, Jason and Justin, and a daughter, Samella, a Zeta Legacy, initiated at Northern Illinois University-Eta Delta Chapter.
?Do nothing out of selfish or van conceit, but in humility consider others? ?Philippians 2:3
Minnesota State Director

Soror Bernadette Harrell
Minnesota State Director
Appointed the Minnesota State Director in August 2012 by the 24th International President Mary Breaux Wright, Soror Bernadette Harrell became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority on March 18, 2000 initiated through the Iota Zeta Zeta Chapter in Minneapolis, Minnesota. She is currently a member of the Sigma Beta Zeta Chapter in Roseville, Minnesota. She is a Past Chapter Basileus and currently serves as the chapter Treasurer.
Soror Harrell was a Zeta Archonette in high school and served as President. A Zeta Legacy, Bernadette is the daughter of Soror Fannie Harrell, Past Minnesota State Director (2004-2009). She served as Minnesota State Representative at-Large, Minnesota State Financial Secretary, & State Budget Chair. She is ZOL-certified 2009.
She is an In-Home psychotherapist for Associated Clinic of Psychology in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Soror Harrell is also a PhD candidate at Walden University. She is working on her dissertation.
Bernadette has been involved in numerous community service projects. A few of them are Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, 100th celebration of the Girls Scouts, United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Empower Me Tour, and Feed My Starving Children. Her hobbies are travelling and exotic foods.
Ohio State Director

Soror LaRita MJ Smith
Ohio State Director
Appointed the Ohio State Director in August 2012 by the 24th International President Mary Breaux Wright, Soror LaRita MJ Smith became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority on March 13, 1993 initiated through the Iota Epsilon Chapter at the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. She is currently a member of the Gamma Zeta Zeta Chapter in Columbus, Ohio. She held the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Public Relations Chair.
LaRita has served the sisterhood on the local, state and regional levels through her nearly 20 years of uninterrupted service to the sorority. Other offices included serving as Regional Conference Marshal in 2007 and Ohio State Graduate Member-at-Large & Ohio State Representative-at-Large 2007-2010.
LaRita holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, MIS major in 1994 from the University of Dayton. She also holds an MBA in Technology Management from Franklin University.
LaRita is a married mother of 2 daughters. She is a faithful member of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church in Columbus. She is employed by JP Morgan Chase and Company.
Wisconsin State Director

Soror Milika Miller
Wisconsin State Director
Appointed the Wisconsin State Director in August 2012 by the 24th International President Mary Breaux Wright, Soror Milika Miller became a member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority on March 22, 1997 initiated through the Lambda Lambda Chapter, Milwaukee Metro Chapter. She is currently a member of the Kappa Beta Zeta Chapter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
A month after her initiation, Milika was elected vice-president of her undergraduate chapter. Since then, she has held other positions on the local level in her 15 uninterrupted years of financial and active service to our beloved Sisterhood. She is currently the Tamias for her chapter. Preceding her appointment as State Director, Milika served as the Wisconsin State Representative to the Great Lakes Regional Board for the past four years. She also served as the Wisconsin State Organization?s Tamias for four years. Milika has attended 3 Boules, 11 regional conferences and 14 state conferences.
Milika graduated from Marquette University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism in 1999 and received a Master of Arts in Public Administration from the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee in 2005. Having started her career in media working as a reporter and then in public relations and marketing; Milika eventually focused in on a life working as a nonprofit administrator. She has worked for the United Way of Greater Milwaukee and currently works as the Director of Measurement & Analysis for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Milwaukee.
Milika has been married since 2004 to Brother Antoine Miller, member of the Delta Xi Sigma Chapter in Milwaukee and together they have (2) sons Mason (born in 2006) and Lucas (born in 2008). Besides serving Zeta, Milika sits on the Home & School Association at her sons? school, is a member of the planning cabinet for the school?s major fundraiser, ?Auction for Education.? She is also a member of All Saints Catholic Church where she has held the position of church trustee. She is an avid reader and a recent lover of running.